Line | | Command | | | Parameter 1 | Parameter 2 | | Duration |
2 |  | open-url | |  | | - |  | 1.2s |
| | | | |
 | Usage of absolute URLs like '' is deprecated. Better use only paths to make your test independent of a certain machine. |
 | Open URL ''. |
 | Opening URL '' was redirected to ''. |
5 |  | assert-title | | | WETATOR / Test Form | - | | 0.0s |
8 |  | assert-content | | | The form below is only for testing purpose. | - | | 0.0s |
9 |  | assert-set |  | | Project name | - |  | 0.0s |
| | | | |
 | Found control '[HtmlTextInput (id='project') (name='projectName')] found by: BY_LABEL_ELEMENT deviation: 0 distance: 191 start: 204 hierarchy: 0>2>4>25>27>29>31>33>43>47>52>57 index: 57'. |
10 |  | assert-selected |  | | other | - |  | 0.0s |
| | | | |
 | Found control '[HtmlOption 'other' part of [HtmlSelect (id='languages') (name='languages[]')]] found by: BY_LABEL deviation: 0 distance: 233 start: 252 hierarchy: 0>2>4>25>27>29>31>33>43>47>60>65>72 index: 72'. |
13 |  | set |  |  | Project name | HtmlUnit |  | 0.0s |
| | | | |
 | Found control '[HtmlTextInput (id='project') (name='projectName')] found by: BY_LABEL_ELEMENT deviation: 0 distance: 191 start: 204 hierarchy: 0>2>4>25>27>29>31>33>43>47>52>57 index: 57'. |
14 |  | select |  |  | programming language > JAVA | - |  | 0.0s |
| | | | |
 | Found control '[HtmlOption 'JAVA' part of [HtmlSelect (id='languages') (name='languages[]')]] found by: BY_LABEL deviation: 0 distance: 0 start: 242 hierarchy: 0>2>4>25>27>29>31>33>43>47>60>65>66 index: 66'. |
15 |  | select |  |  | WETATOR is > visionary | - |  | 0.0s |
| | | | |
 | Found more than one HTML element for pattern 'WETATOR is > visionary' on page; using the best matching one [HtmlCheckBoxInput (id='wetatorIs_wetatorIs_visionary') (name='wetatorIs[]')]. |
 | Found control '[HtmlCheckBoxInput (id='wetatorIs_wetatorIs_visionary') (name='wetatorIs[]')] found by: BY_LABEL_ELEMENT deviation: 0 distance: 8 start: 319 hierarchy: 0>2>4>25>27>29>31>33>43>77>82>84>94 index: 94'. |
 | Found control '[HtmlCheckBoxInput (id='wetatorIs_wetatorIs_marvelous') (name='wetatorIs[]')] found by: BY_TEXT deviation: 0 distance: 9 start: 329 hierarchy: 0>2>4>25>27>29>31>33>43>77>82>84>99 index: 99'. |
16 |  | click-on |  |  | Submit My Truth | - |  | 0.1s |
| | | | |
 | Found control '[HtmlSubmitInput 'Submit My Truth' (id='submit') (name='submit')] found by: BY_LABEL deviation: 0 distance: 417 start: 417 hierarchy: 0>2>4>25>27>29>31>33>43>127>129 index: 129'. |
17 |  | assert-content | | | We hope all your visionary WETATOR tests for the project 'HtmlUnit' are green. | - | | 0.0s |
18 |  | assert-content | | | Why not using WETATOR for your other JAVA projects? | - | | 0.0s |
21 |  | open-url | |  | | - |  | 0.1s |
| | | | |
 | Usage of absolute URLs like '' is deprecated. Better use only paths to make your test independent of a certain machine. |
 | Open URL ''. |
 | Opening URL '' was redirected to ''. |
22 |  | assert-title | | | WETATOR / Test Form | - | | 0.0s |
23 |  | assert-set |  | | Project name | - |  | 0.0s |
| | | | |
 | Found control '[HtmlTextInput (id='project') (name='projectName')] found by: BY_LABEL_ELEMENT deviation: 0 distance: 191 start: 204 hierarchy: 0>2>4>25>27>29>31>33>43>47>52>57 index: 57'. |
24 |  | click-on |  |  | Submit My Truth | - |  | 0.1s |
| | | | |
 | Found control '[HtmlSubmitInput 'Submit My Truth' (id='submit') (name='submit')] found by: BY_LABEL deviation: 0 distance: 408 start: 408 hierarchy: 0>2>4>25>27>29>31>33>43>127>129 index: 129'. |
25 |  | assert-content | | | "Project name" is a required field | - | | 0.0s |
| 1.5s |